Monografias Prontas - For students who have joined in the first semester of 2015, the
defense of the work will be mandatorily performed before the assessment bank, which will be duly established by the TCC Nucleus, with the participation of CEPES.
Monografias Prontas - It should be noted that for students enrolled from 2015 onwards, it is the participation of a guiding teacher in the preparation of the text of the monograph. The format of choice, formalities and deadlines for the choice of guiding teachers and deposit rules are set forth in the Working Regulation for the Conclusion of the Lato senso Postgraduate course - approved by Consaepe on 9/24/2015.
defense of the work will be mandatorily performed before the assessment bank, which will be duly established by the TCC Nucleus, with the participation of CEPES.
Monografias Prontas - It should be noted that for students enrolled from 2015 onwards, it is the participation of a guiding teacher in the preparation of the text of the monograph. The format of choice, formalities and deadlines for the choice of guiding teachers and deposit rules are set forth in the Working Regulation for the Conclusion of the Lato senso Postgraduate course - approved by Consaepe on 9/24/2015.
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